Sports video games aren’t as popular as other games such as RPGs and definitely MOBAs and battle royale games. Today, multiplayer games take up most of the video game market share, though some single-player games are still around, winning awards and titles. Sports games are on the back foot andContinue Reading

We enjoy playing video games. Games have been around for a long time and today, they are not only evolved but are also a good career choice for many people, young or old. Professional gaming is an option, but so is streaming video games, and entertainment could always use anotherContinue Reading

With the rise of Youtubers throughout the 2010s, many people have thought that YouTube will be a good platform to start their careers. YouTube is a great video-sharing platform, but there are limitations to how good of a career choice it would be.  In order to understand why it mightContinue Reading

Some years ago, YouTube was a dominant platform for anyone who wanted to become someone in the online world. But years have passed, and now we have several other platforms like Twitch and TikTok that are YouTube’s biggest competitors.  Unlike YouTube which was open to all types of creators, TwitchContinue Reading

Not so long ago, we saved our files on our laptops, computers, and portable hard disks. This also affected the way that we later shared these files with other people. Some would use the so-called “Caveman technology” and share these files as an email attachment or by physically carrying themContinue Reading

Playing card games has become much more elaborate since the olden days. You can challenge your friends, family, and random acquaintances in card games that have their own sets of decks and rules, some lasting for more than 30 minutes per game. However, it is important to remember the classicsContinue Reading

There is a significant number of people whose actions, attitudes, and opinions affect the general public. We are not talking about the so-called influencers, but celebrities, politicians, actors, and scientists that shape the way we feel about the world. Here are some of the most influential people on the planetContinue Reading